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Was ist Elektrosmog?

What is electrosmog?


Electrosmog cannot be directly perceived because humans do not have any sense organs that could register electrosmog directly. Electrosmog cannot be heard, smelled, seen, and in some cases cannot be felt or tasted by humans. Electrosensitive people can at least feel the electrosmog. Nevertheless, electrosmog – depending on its strength and duration – sooner or later triggers reactions that can lead to discomfort, crises or illness. It's like smoking: after a year of smoking you won't get lung cancer, but after 15-30 years the risk increases and the more you smoke, the more you are at risk of serious diseases. In their book “Mobile Radio – Health on Sale”, the authors Hans CH Schneider and Anne Schneider assume that more serious illnesses can be expected after 6-8 years in the immediate vicinity (less than 200 meters) of cell phone masts. Symptoms such as lack of sleep, disorientation, high blood pressure, ringing in the ears (high-frequency hearing), tinnitus, dizziness, sudden hearing loss, eye irritation and visual disturbances are the more harmless triggers; in extreme cases, an increased risk of cancer is mentioned in the specialist literature.

In 1995 the first DECT telephones came onto the market and since I was a modern person, such a device obviously had to be in my office. Over the years, more and more RADIANT technology was added. In the beginning it was the CRT screen and later wireless keyboards, mice and printers. Then came the cell phone, later the smartphone and not forgetting the WiFi router. Due to work reasons, a second router was needed. At the time of my personal electrosmog crisis, I had a radiation field of over 100,000 microwatts/per square meter in the high frequency range within 1 meter of my office chair.

If you consider that the blood-brain barrier is supposed to open at just 1000 microwatts (1000mW/m2) and 10 minutes of exposure, which is quickly achieved when talking on a cell phone, then you can guess that after 8 hours of work in an energy field of 100,000 microwatts there was no longer any blood-brain barrier. The blood-brain barrier protects our brain from unhindered access of toxins into the brain cells. After measuring and renovating, the load in my office is only 20-40 microwatts per m2, which is a reduction of over 99%. Despite the changes, I work with the latest technology.

As a rule, with very simple changes you can improve the electrosmog pollution by 80% with little expenditure of money, the next 10% cost a little more and the last 10% can be a little more expensive. It is not always possible to reduce 100% of the load because alternating and direct magnetic fields are particularly difficult to shield.

As mentioned at the beginning, people cannot see, smell, hear or feel electrosmog (some people can already feel it) and therefore it may be good if one becomes “aware” of this radiation and these energy fields by creating an electrosmog Company that makes fields visible with its measuring devices in the form of numbers (measured values) and sounds.

When I pointed out to my 8-year-old son how his tablet lit up when he played an Internet-based game, he looked at me with wide eyes and decided on his own to delete all Internet-based games from his tablet and only play games on the tablet games that don't need access to WiFi or the Internet.

The goal of Cosmo-Waves is that we want to reduce your environment by 90% of electrosmog pollution in the low and high frequency range, provided you are open to changes. We want to improve your environment, protect you from harmful vibrations, and strengthen your well-being.

I would like to use an example to show you that no one will protect you, you are responsible.

The building biologists recommend a value of 1-10 microwatt/m2 (depending on the author) for high-frequency radiation in the sleeping area, the strict consultants even say less than 1 microwatt/m2. The federal government has set the upper limit for radio frequency at 10,000,000 microwatts, so there is a divergence of only 9,999,999 microwatts, in words NINE MILLION NINE HUNDRED NINE AND NINE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED NINETY NINE. Wow!

Researchers have found that after irradiation with a strength of 1000 microwatts using cell phone frequencies, rats after a certain period of time had holes in their brains and the blood-brain barrier was open. I think the value of 1000 microwatts is very important because no one wants to have a brain full of toxins when they get old and according to Dr. Klinghardt and Joachim Mutter are said to be responsible for diseases such as Alzheimer's, ALS and MS. If we now consider that, according to Focus magazine (issue no. 36 of 2016), adolescent girls and boys between the ages of 12 and 19 spend 5.7 to 6.5 hours per day chatting on their cell phones, surfing, making phone calls or using other media ( TV, Internet via PC and laptop) and the radiation levels when in contact with the cell phone network are well over 1000 microwatts, then you can assume that the blood-brain barrier is open most of the time. There are currently 2.5 million Alzheimer's patients in Germany. Are we heading towards a major catastrophe in the long term?

The city of Salzburg has set the upper limit values ​​for high-frequency radiation at 1000 microwatts, there is another way. From a purely technical perspective, mobile phone calls would be possible from just 0.005 microwatts.

The most important causes of electrosmog are presented and described on this homepage. I hope that I can raise the awareness of many people.

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